1,100 words journal heh

Monday, July 21, 2008


The villagers believed that eating crocodile scales would give them occult abilities. Therefore, they would glean the scales every fortnight, seeking the quarry in groups of connoisseurs in this job.


People see foreign immigrants differently all over the world. Some treat them as venerable people, while others think of them as extraneous people and give them menial tasks. To make things worse, there are country leaders that deem these foreign immigrants paltry and treat their problems as trivial.


The prudent man accused the leader of the opposition party of political spurious, thinking that it would be innocuous and only cause some heresy in his supporters. Unknowingly, it caused a huge ferment countrywide.

Friday, July 04, 2008


Sometimes, candor can be mortifying if announced in public. When one wants to remain his composure, he has to remain jocose outwardly, yet mantain his decorum and condescend himself so that people will not judge him for his pride.


Eating was a bliss for the obese man. Anyone who exhorted him to eat less would make him feel pathetic and the person would become his personal adversary.


The scientist believed that he could make a panacea for all diseases and would be infallible. Anyone impeding on him would cause him to be disgruntled. From creating this, he wanted revere from the world.


The guitar prodigy was an egotist. When ardent fans of the musical instrument wanted to learn from him, he's response would be invective. He does not have a single bit of humility.


The lethargic audiences began to become hostile towards the remiss speaker who kept repeating the same thing over again. He was cogent in his perception, yet the audiences felt that he was missing the gist of the speech.


In his eruption of anger, he threw the lit matchstick to the ground. Who could have known that such a puny matchstick could cause a rue in the plantation? The fire was dispersed around the plantation by the wind, causing a great fire which was an awesome sight.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


Throughout life, we will have to work with many bigots. As for me, I have come across a few and they are absolutely absurd. I abhor working with them. They indirectly prohibit you from producing ideas and they give their imprudent suggestions, thinking that it is godly.


Every decade has a gamut of new crisis going on. From the World War catastrophic events to today's natural phenomenons. Mortality rate is going up.


The things in life is get more and more difficult to cope with as you grow older. When we juxtapose the words "work" and games", we start to find it chimerical. If we spend too much time on games and neglect work, the workload gets cumlative and soon, we start to find ourselves being incompatible to our peers.