1,100 words journal heh

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The reporter was reviled for his derogatory statements towards the government. However, the news company refused to indict him as they claimed that the article was a nebulous one and might have caused misunderstanding. The incident has been giving the company much vicissitudes.


The previous minister staged a coup to overthrow the magalomaniacal governement. Preparing a sumptuous meal for his people, he promised them that he would run the country well again if they were successful. Feeling nostalgic for their previous government, they were determined to spread the riots and make them rife.

Monday, March 17, 2008


Who do you deem to be the rightful president? David, the current president, craves wealth and power. It's no wonder that a myriad of problems have arose ever since he had taken over. It is weird that no one noticed the other candidate, John, of his inherent genius. He would surely be a competent president that can accommodate a majority of our needs.


When the editor read through the crucial report in five minutes, I surmised that his conclusion would be fallacious. Not realising the manifold errors in the report led the bosses to discuss and evaluate the idea of sacking him. I could not solve the enigma of why such a employee with high position could be so careless with his job.